Ten Years of Transformation: A Q&A with Elise Bruderly on Working with Concetti Interior Design Strategists - Concetti

Ten Years of Transformation: A Q&A with Elise Bruderly on Working with Concetti Interior Design Strategists

Sep 18, 2024 | Collaboration, community

What happens when a young family seeking help with arranging their living room furniture around a new piano meets an interior design strategy studio eager to grow its clientele? You get a 10-year partnership that's just as meaningful today as it was when it first began.

We first worked with Elise and Mike Bruderly in 2015 to renovate their living room and primary bedroom. And now, nearly 10 years later, we reconnected to co-create their kitchen, powder room, children’s bathroom, and primary bathroom…now known as #RevolutionaryRevival. None of us anticipated how special our partnership would become, and considering they are one of the first clients we ever worked with as an interior design strategy studio… that makes it even more special. 

To celebrate our partnership and what we’ve created together, we were lucky enough to sit down with Elise and chat about her experience.



Concetti: Elise, thanks for chatting with us today! Let’s start from the beginning—what made you decide to reach out to Concetti 10 years ago when you wanted to renovate your living room?

Elise: It’s funny looking back now, but we first found Concetti through a friend’s recommendation. At the time, we were in a bit of a design dilemma. We wanted to buy a piano, but we had only one wall in our house where it could go. That created this domino effect where we had to move the TV and other furniture, and it all got overwhelming. Honestly, we didn’t even know designers like Concetti existed to help with stuff like that! But once we learned what they did and how they could help us reimagine our space, it was a no-brainer. They gave us the confidence to finally move forward with the renovation.

Concetti: Fast forward 10 years—what made you decide to reach out to Concetti again for your recent kitchen and bathroom renovations?

Elise: Every now and then, we’ll just step in one of the rooms Concetti helped us design years ago and sigh with contentment—it still feels so perfect! After that first experience, we knew that any future renovation would have to include design services. We realized how much easier it is when you know that the final result is going to be functional, beautiful, and you. It definitely makes the chaos of construction feel worth it. Design isn’t our thing, so having Concetti on board removes the stress and makes the whole process enjoyable.



Concetti: That’s amazing! Can you describe the communication, collaboration, and overall experience you had with our team during the renovation process?

Elise: Working with Concetti was even better than we remembered. We call it “white glove service,” which is rare these days. They’re committed to making sure we love every aspect of the design, from the colors to the materials to the overall feel of the space. We don’t have the vocabulary to describe what’s not working for us design-wise, but they always seem to figure it out and offer ideas that hit the mark. It’s like they can pull what we want out of thin air, and they don’t stop until everything feels perfect.

Concetti: Concetti uses a three-phase, human-centric approach. Which parts of that process did you find the most beneficial?

Elise: Their three-phase process is so clear and well-structured. It makes the entire renovation feel manageable. You always know where you are in the process and what’s coming next, which is super helpful for planning and just managing expectations. It’s nice to have a roadmap for such a big project.

Concetti: Can you share how Concetti helped you achieve the vision for your living room, kitchen, and bathrooms? What features are you most satisfied with?

Elise: I’ve always been impressed with how much they really listen to their clients. They take the time to get to know you and your lifestyle, and that comes through in the design. For our living room, we wanted the space to feel warm and welcoming. Concetti added a window seat surrounded by bookshelves—which was perfect for our family since we love to read together—and little functional touches like hidden drawers for extra blankets. They were things we didn’t know we needed but now can’t live without.

In our most recent renovation, we had long-standing issues with formica countertops splitting and awkward cabinet layouts. Concetti helped us address those problems and more. The primary bathroom was a game-changer—there’s now a dressing area with functional storage and even a space for my hair tools to stay plugged in but hidden. It’s little details like these that make such a big difference in how we live in the space.

Concetti: Were there any specific design challenges that Concetti helped you overcome?

Elise: Oh, absolutely! My primary bathroom had all the basic elements of a bathroom but no real functionality. Now it’s practically a spa. There’s a dressing area with a bench, storage that actually works because it’s at eye level, and even a cabinet where I can store my hair tools while they’re still hot. It’s not just about the design looking nice—it’s made our lives easier and calmer, especially when it comes to keeping things tidy.



Concetti: What features or elements of the renovation are you most satisfied with?

Elise: There are things I love in every room. In the kitchen, the redesigned island is a standout—it’s bigger and way more functional. I love how the cabinets are laid out now, especially the one where my trays stand upright for easy access. And I was initially unsure about a shallow cabinet, but it turned out to be my favorite. It’s perfect for our most-used drinkware, all lined up and within reach.

In the powder room, the changes were smaller but still made a huge difference. It’s a small space, but the new design shows off how powerful good design can be, even without moving plumbing around. And our kids' bathroom—Concetti helped us make smart trade-offs to stay within budget, and it looks fantastic.

But my absolute favorite is the primary bathroom. I never thought we’d have a bathroom that feels like a personal spa. It’s just *fun* to walk into every day!   



Concetti: Is there anything you wish you knew before working with interior design strategists?

Elise: Honestly, we were so lucky to have found Concetti from the start. We learned early on that we could trust them completely, and that made the process so much easier. By the time of this renovation, we knew we didn’t have to worry—they know us, they know our style, and they always get it right.

I also want to give a shout-out to Concetti’s construction advocacy. Decisions come up all the time during construction, and if you or someone you trust isn’t there to make them, the contractors will do it for you. Concetti is there every step of the way, making sure that the design decisions hold up in the face of any surprises behind the walls. That level of advocacy makes a huge difference!



If you’re considering a renovation, we hope Elise’s experience inspires you to take the plunge with the support of a great design team. Reach out to Concetti to start your journey toward a home that truly feels like you.