How a Small Business is Using Design Strategy to Help Other Small Businesses

May 28, 2024 | community

At Concetti, empowerment is synonymous with our business. Our mission is to empower clients, both residential and commercial, to be their bravest, boldest selves through strategically co-created spaces. We believe that when you have the space to embrace your authentic self, everyone around you becomes a little better off, too. You may start finding yourself making more room for people to be themselves. In turn, they inspire the same in others. When we all have space to truly become ourselves, to share and put ourselves fully out into the world, imagine how great that will be for us all. 

Over the years, we’ve collaborated with several other small businesses whose commitment to their team, customers, communities, and brand laid the groundwork for some of our most intentional projects yet. 

Click the link to  learn more about how our small business uses design strategy to empower other local small businesses.