How Concetti Shows Love to Our Clients - Concetti

How Concetti Shows Love to Our Clients

Feb 13, 2024 | Residential, Wellness

February is the month of love, and here at Concetti, we love love; loving others, loving ourselves, showing love to our clients, and creating spaces they love.

Another thing we love is the five love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, receiving gifts, and physical touch. Something you may not realize is that we apply love languages in everything we do – even our approach to design.

We have a uniquely strategic, thorough, and personalized human-centric, three-phase approach. Because we believe in being your bravest, boldest self in all areas of life, we partner with each client as co-creator. We believe this approach empowers clients to be their genuine selves at home, at work, and in the community, each step of the way.

Discover how we apply love languages in each of our three phases of design to create space that becomes you.


I. Phase 1: Discover X Co-Create / Quality Time 

Phase One is all about getting to know you and spending quality time together! During this phase, we hand you the mic and listen intently to learn your design style, likes and dislikes, who you are as a person, your lifestyle and hobbies, how you want to use your space, what problems you want to solve, and more. Your answers to these questions help us collaboratively establish clear functional, aesthetic, and experiential goals that dictate everything from how your space will look, how it will perform, how it will make you feel, and even how it will smell!

Serenity at Sunset is an example of a Phase I client we spent lots of quality time with to understand their style, values, and family dynamic. With a deep love for all things nature, their goal was to transform their home into a sacred oasis that supported their family’s growing needs.



We dreamed big, and went up and out to get their desired functionality, thoughtfully conceiving every inch of this home to support their lifestyle and encourage connection as a family and with friends. Using the insight gained during our quality time together, we were able to provide 3D renderings to show the full potential of their space, transporting them to their favorite places through specific color palettes, wood tones, and even a mediation nook. 



II. Phase 2: Personalize X Translate / Acts of service 

Phase Two is about establishing the plan. The Personalization phase is exactly as it soundsthis is where we collectively develop your vision by finding, demonstrating, and solidifying exact pieces that will make your space you.

We practice Acts of Service by putting our time and attention into gathering multi-dimensional pieces such as furniture, fabrics, colors, and materials that are not only beautiful but also hold meaning in a way that uniquely reflects you. 

Think of Personalize as the creative portion of this phase and Translate as strategic and organized. The Translate phase is lovingly hands-off for you, and all about translating the vision into technical documentation for a team for build on. We will create an in-depth instruction manual that will be shared with everyone involved in your build which ensures the partners we choose together will have everything they need to replicate your vision.

Phase Two of Hype on Stripes is when our client’s personality is shown through in the pieces we meticulously selected for their home based on their criteria.



Just having had their first baby and their careers beginning to take off, our clients are two vibrant yet laid-back people who fully trusted us to turn their ultra-grey, divided space into an open, modern, and edgy haven through black and white stripes, pops of color, cats, and a little bit of Star Wars in every single room.

Each room in Hype on Stripes honors their requests without compromising functionality and style–even the nursery with Grogu plushy, moon lamp, planetary mobile, vintage Star Wars movie posters, and custom outer space wallpaper.  

“I saved Concetti as soon as I found them. They were the only ones funky enough for me and I knew they wouldn’t be cookie cutter.” – Hype on Stripes Client




III. Phase 3: Advocate X Celebrate / Words of affirmation

The third and final phase is all about bringing your project to life, and acting as your champion until the finish line, ensuring the design we co-created together remains at the forefront of everyone’s minds to see the project through to completion. Not only do we advocate for your vision, but we also serve as a translator between you and your team, bringing clarity to them and peace of mind to you. 

From furnishing your space to adding intricate details such as artwork and unique touches throughout, we ensure every element aligns with your original vision.

You can choose to be as hands-on or hands-off as you want during Advocacy. Take Sweet As Can Be in Beverly for instance – despite their desire to be hands-on, parenting and work limited their availability. By serving as their advocate, we gave them back valuable time and turned their highly customized dream home into a reality.



Then, it is finally time to Celebrate! This is when we inspect every delivered item and clear out all trash and debris so that your space is immaculate before you see it for the first time. Then we’ll walk through the space with you, answer any remaining questions you may have, and plan for the finishing touches with accessories. We did it!  This is the transformative moment when a house evolves into a home. This is the essence of our strategic 3-phase approach – to craft a space that becomes boldly YOU.



Ready to feel the love?

Let’s get in touch!